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ASN Services Release - IPLIR

AS Number Services

ASN stands for "Autonomous System Number" and it is used in routing protocols on the internet. ASNs are used in protocols like BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to facilitate the exchange of routing information between network devices.

Our Flexible Pricing Plan

Professional hosting at an affordable price. Distinctively recaptiualize principle-centered core competencies through client-centered core competencies.

We're Here to Help You

Have some questions? Whatsapp Support, or Telegram support to get in touch.

Frequently Asked Queries

For more issues that you have in mind, you can quickly contact us via whatspp or telegram at the top and get support.

Your ace number is activated within 7-14 working days on average.

If you are a LTD or Joint Stock Company, your company name is in your ASN name and if you are a sole proprietorship, your name, surname and company are written in your ASN name.

Tax certificate and company opening document for sole proprietorships and KYC verification

Required Documents for ASN Registration

  • Company Registration and Trade Registry Gazette: Documents proving that the company is officially registered and legally established.
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Tax Registration Certificate: A document indicating that the company is a taxpayer.
  • Board Resolution: A document showing that the company's board of directors has decided to apply for an ASN.
  • Company Contact Information: Documents containing the company's address, contact numbers, and other contact details.
  • Authorization and Signature Circles: Documents indicating the signing authority of the individuals applying for the ASN.
  • Technical Infrastructure Information: Documents providing information about the company's internet infrastructure and network architecture.